Data Solutions & Analytics
Google to Auto-Migrate UA Properties to GA4 Unless You Act Now
By Concord

Choice to “Opt Out” Expires February 28, 2023

The Google “Jumpstart” Process

Google recently announced a plan to automatically migrate all existing Standard Universal Analytics properties to Google Analytics 4, starting February 28, 2023. This process, called Jumpstart, is part of Google’s effort to support customers in the run-up to sunsetting all Standard UA properties in July 2023.

Who Does this Impact?

ALL Google Analytics users—those still using UA standard properties and those with GA4 properties already deployed—must choose whether to do nothing and let Jumpstart automatically migrate from UA, or switch the auto-migration option off by Feb. 28. Note that Google Analytics 360 properties are not eligible for Jumpstart auto-migration.

What it Means for You

If you manage any Standard UA properties that collected data during the past 12 months, Google Jumpstart will migrate that data to a new GA4 property and data stream by default after Feb. 28. The Jumpstart migration will follow each UA Standard property’s configuration— features automatically configured during the migration will include event tracking, user permissions, ad links, goals, audiences and conversions.

If you choose to opt out of Google Jumpstart for Standard UA properties, take action by changing your Jumpstart preferences before February 28, 2023.

The Pros and Cons of a Google’s Jumpstart Auto-Migration

  • Jumpstart offers a simple solution for migrating your Standard UA properties to new GA4 properties.
  • Standard UA properties that collect high level data could benefit from this process.
  • Once Jumpstart migrates your Standard UA data, it might not continue providing the same insights required to conduct analysis at the desired level of accuracy available through a custom GA4 implementation.
  • Google’s announcement states that migrating with Jumpstart is an effort to expedite GA4 implementation for those who still haven’t migrated Standard UA properties.

How to Proceed?

The best practice for choosing how to proceed includes conducting an audit on each Standard UA property in your property list and deciding the best course of action on a property-by-property basis. You should determine the best course of action based on existing configurations and the types of data existing properties collect.

Our Recommendation: In Most Cases, Opt Out Before Feb. 28, 2023

Proceeding with the default Jumpstart auto-migration will result in additional network calls on your website through GA4 Enhanced Measurement. The process will also add new unwanted or unnecessary GA4 properties to your property list and forced taxonomy around configured events and event parameters. For example, event actions become event names in GA4, while event categories and event labels are configured as event scooped custom dimensions. If you’re considering the Jumpstart option, be aware that the configuration will be more basic than your website analytics demands.

Regardless of whether you maintain the default opt-in for Jumpstart migration, or opt-out, your Standard UA properties will continue to collect data until the UA sunsetting date on July 1, 2023.

Here are the top 10 GA4 fails you can avoid.

How Evolytics Can Help

If you’re already a client, this is a great opportunity to work with your Evolytics client team to audit your current Standard UA properties to determine the best way to proceed based on your specific needs. Evolytics is here to assist your team through this process!

If you don’t already work with Evolytics, reach out with any questions about navigating the Feb. 28 Jumpstart deadline, the approaching UA sunset, how to approach the best GA4 implementation, or anything else analytics-related. Our Analytics Development team is one of the best, and most knowledgeable, in the industry.

Remember, you must take action regardless of whether you opt in or opt out of Jumpstart auto migration. Let’s talk about how we can make sure you get it right.

Additional Evolytics Blog Posts about Google Analytics 4 and the Sunsetting of Universal Analytics.

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